8 Best Frozen Pizzas Canada Ranked (2024)
Frozen pizzas are some of the most popular frozen foods and come with a ton of options. Finding the the best frozen pizzas in Canada can be a bit of a challenging task. When I was a kid, I remember wanting to try all the different brands, which my parents refused, as should any parent. Last week, after many many years I finally made that wish come true. However, it was only after consuming 8 different slices of pizza and feeling like I wanted to die, that I had an appreciation for my parents not letting me go through with my wild plans as a child.
The crazy variety is not a problem for kids with big pizza dreams only. It also makes it harder for adults who just want to find one good pizza. To find the best frozen pizzas, we blind taste-tested the eight most popular brands in Canada, and the results were pretty surprising, since there were some pizzas that we had completely different opinions on. We also posted on the AskToronto reddit to see what they thought.
The Pizza Selection Criteria

There are a lot of different frozen pizzas you can buy in Canada but not all of them are accessible. We decided to stick with brands that you can likely find in all of Canada and are available at most general stores like Walmart, Food Basics, or No Frills. This means we skipped brands like Whole Foods’ and other specialty brands. We also included generic brands from stores that are found all over Canada.
We tried cheese pizzas since they were really common and they also made it easier to focus on the cheese, bread, and sauce flavours.
Note: we couldn’t find any frozen pizzas for the Selection brand, and No Name only had big boxes that had multiple pizzas for about $12 so we excluded it.
The Tasting Criteria
Like our other chocolate taste test, we did a blind taste test to make sure we don’t have any biases. We also cooked each pizza exactly as recommended on the instructions on the back of the box.
We were ranking each pizza based on the five factors below:
- Pizza bread/dough – we didn’t want something super thin and nothing with too much bread. Was it nice and crispy or too chewy?
- Crust – was it soft, was it crunchy, was it too thick?
- Sauce – how was the taste? Was it overwhelming or underwhelming?
- Cheese – did it taste good? Was it a strong taste?
- Overall – what was the overall taste of all the ingredients combined?
There might be some confusion as to the difference between pizza bread/dough and the crust. Crust just means the part at the edge with no toppings and just bread. The pizza bread or dough is the part of the pizza with toppings on it.
One of us kept track of the pizzas and wrote down notes while the other person was eating. Here are the results for the best frozen pizzas, ranked from worst to best:
8. President’s Choice Six Cheese Thin & Crispy Frozen Pizza – $4.99, 350 grams

Highlight: the crust and the herbs flavour were good.
The pizza dough was firm on the bottom soft on the top, but the sauce wasn’t nice and had a bit of a sour taste. The crust was airy and crunchy and soft in the middle. The cheese tasted a bit weird and the flavour was on the lighter side. Given its price, we would pass on this one.
Overall Score: 4.5
7. Compliments Three Cheese Hand Finished Crust Frozen Pizza – $6.99 (from Sobeys), 410 grams

Highlight: Pizza dough and crust were good.
There is a weird taste that hits you in the beginning and then it fades into a light generic flavour. I suspect it is their herbs and pizza sauce causing this weird flavour. The cheese flavour was really light and it was mediocre overall. The crust was crunchy and the inside was nice and soft. Its likely cheaper at Frescho than it was at Sobeys but we would still pass on this one.
Overall Score: 5
6. Great Value 4 Cheese Thin & Crispy Frozen Pizza – $4.47, 363 grams

Highlight: crust and dough were good.
Crust was crunchy, dough is good and not chewy, the overall taste was very lacking. Like the cheese almost feels non existent and the salsa wasn’t amazing. If you really want frozen pizza and this is the only option, then Great Value is okay.
Overall Score: 5
5. Delissio 4 Cheese Thin Crispy Crust Frozen Pizza – $5.97, 480 grams

Highlights: it’s very thin.
A bit on the chewy side, its not soft but also not crunchy, the dough was thin but tasted a bit like stale bread (some people even said it tasted like cardboard, which I can’t disagree with) and there wasn’t really a distinctive crust. The cheese and sauce flavour was more distinguishable here though. The sauce tasted a bit weird. Delissio wins the shape contest and so if you’re inviting a large group over, this would be a good option as it’s easier to divide into cubes. Delissio is also the cheapest non-generic brand and is the heaviest at 480 grams.
Overall Score: 5.5
4. Giuseppe 5 Cheese Thin Crust Frozen Pizza – $6.47, 439 grams

Highlights: great cheese taste.
Taster 1: The Italian herbs and sauce are very well balanced and not overpowering. The cheeses are nice but the crust is small and not crunchy. Its mediocre overall and while the Italian herbs and sauce are well balanced it doesn’t taste that amazing. Score: 4/10.
Taster 2: Nice smell and great overall taste with the first bite. This was the first one where I was like, okay, this is actually good. The dough is not too thick and the cheese is pretty good and mixes well with the pizza sauce. Crust isn’t so crunchy and can be better. Overall this was really good. Score: 8/10.
Even though one of us found this one pretty good, and while I think its worth trying out, I think there are much better and cheaper options available.
Overall Score: 6
3. Ristorante Four Cheese Thin Crust Frozen Pizza – $5.47, 340 grams

Highlight: nice Italian herbs.
Taster 1: The Italian herbs are really good. There is no crunch but the dough is nice and the herbs make the sauce taste nice. The different cheeses are nice and you can actually distinguish between the different ones, which we couldn’t do in the other ones. This one was really nice and I enjoyed it. Score: 8/10.
Taster 2: The Italian herbs are nice and the dough is nice and thin. You can’t really feel the sauce flavour and the cheese taste is almost non existent. The crust is not too crunchy and it was incredibly small. I guess if you like very little crust you’ll like this one. It was okay overall. Score: 5/10.
Overall Score: 6.5
2. Irresistibles Thin Crust Frozen Pizza – $3.88 , 340 grams

Highlight: best bang for buck!
Taster 1: There is a lot of cheese and it has a nice and strong flavour. The crust is actually really nice and extremely crunchy but the dough is soft on the bottom and the top. The dough is not too thick or thin though. The sauce is subtle and there is a lot of cheese. The herbs are on point. Score: 8/10.
Taster 2: The dough was WAY too chewy. The cheese actually tasted pretty good but I couldn’t feel any of the sauce in there. The crust is crunchy and the overall taste is okay. Score: 5\10.
You should definitely try this one because if you like it, you will save a ton of money in the future since it’s only $3.88 and was the cheapest per pizza and per 100 grams. If you don’t like it, you only lost $3.88.
Overall Score: 6.5
1. Casa Di Mama 4 Cheese Thin Crust Quattro Formaggi Frozen Pizza – $5.47, 410 grams

Highlight: almost everything!
Mmmmmmmmmm… This one smelled pretty good. The cheeses are nice and plentiful and while the sauce was subtle the flavour was nice. The crust was airy and soft but not crunchy at all which was a big bummer. The dough also wasn’t super firm from the bottom but even with all of that the taste was REALLY good. The cheeses are insanely good too. This one was the only one that actually felt hand made (its probably not) but the dough felt like something you’d see in a pizza store.
Casa Di Mama is a must-try as the taste is incredible and it sits right in the middle from a cost perspective.
Overall Score: 7.25
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking for the most bang for buck, then Irresistibles is our go to recommendation. But if you’re willing to spend a few bucks more then you should absolutely go for Casa Di Mama. Is it going to be as good as Pizza Hut or Dominoes, no, but for the price of $6 and the convenience of getting it ready in 10 minutes whenever you want, it’s a solid option.
Keywords: best frozen pizza Canada
Great work!