8 Best Cheez It Flavors Ranked (2024)
I don’t know about you but I have been bombarded with Cheez It commercials over the last few months. Naturally, I put it down as an idea and today we’ll be exploring the best Cheez It flavors. I don’t particularly find the commercials that great, but they do advertise three things: cheesy, crunchy, satisfaction. So you bet I’m going to be looking out for those three things when I taste all these different flavors.
This time around we won’t be doing a blind taste test because we’re not comparing different brands. We only do that for comparing different brands so we’re not biased in any way.
Funny enough, ranking the best Cheez it flavors was a much easier task than actually finding the different Cheez It flavors. Since none of the stores actually had them all.
One particular thing I found disturbing and still can’t get over is that they all smelled really weird and plasticky inside their bags.
I had some high expectations going in due to the barrage of ads I was seeing. I also looked at other blogs which gave some really good reviews. Additionally, I created a reddit poll and 37% said Original was their favorite flavor.
Unfortunately, I was very disappointed as you’ll see down below.
The pricing is $2.99 for the regular sized boxes and $3.99 for the family sized boxes. The annoying thing here is that some of the flavors only exist for the more expensive size. The regular size is 200 grams (although some are 191 grams).
The family size is 352 grams and does give you 75% more weight compared to the regular size as they claim in massive font on the family size. If I were you, I’d keep reading to see if its even worth buying any of these family sized boxes.
Best Cheez It Flavors Ranked
8. Cheez It Extra Toasty

Where to begin.. In my humble opinion, this one should be renamed to Cheez It Extra BURNT. It’s definitely toasted, but to the point where almost half of them felt like they were burnt, and it tasted terrible and bitter. I will never be buying this ever again in my life.
This one was one of the family sized packs as well. I’m still trying to figure out what to do with these because I am not going to eat anymore.
Score: 0
7. Cheez It Original

The only good flavor in this Cheez It was the salt. Otherwise it was, respectfully, garbage. The only reason this one is better than the extra crispy is because its not burnt.
There is just something about the taste of the cracker itself that I find to be really stale/cardboardy and it was a really unpleasant experience. I am honestly really confused how it’s such a popular brand. I would actively avoid this one.
Score: 0
6. Cheez It White Cheddar

This was the first Cheez It flavor that we tried and it was a really big disappointment (until we tried extra toasty and the original later on). The white cheddar flavor is extremely weak. The salt was okay but you almost can’t feel it, which is not an issue I guess.
The crunch is okay but overall it doesn’t taste good. I found the cracker itself to be the issue here because it just didn’t taste good. I would pass on this one.
Score: 2
5. Cheez It Italian Four Cheese

You know what’s even worse than instant disappointment? A nano-second of greatness, followed by endless disappointment. That is the best way to summarize the Four Cheese flavor.
In the first bite, you can feel the four cheese flavor but it fades away very quickly and you are again met with the weird taste of the cracker itself. I guess a better way to describe the taste of the cracker is dull. I would skip this one.
Score: 3
4. Cheez It Sharp White Cheddar

This was the last Cheez It flavor we tried and I sort of had an ‘aha’ moment with this one. This is essentially the better tasting version of the White Cheddar flavor. The white cheddar taste is more prominent and its actually a pretty decent taste.
However, it is very far from a sharp flavor. When you see “sharp” mentioned on anything you assume it’s going to be extremely concentrated.
In the case of Cheez It though, “sharp” really just means adequate and this is when I realized the problem with Cheez It. The actual cracker tastes bad (again, IMO). So when you add a very strong flavor, it masks the bad cracker taste and it tastes good. If you don’t do that, the cracker taste appears and you are left with severe disappointment.
Score: 3.5
3. Cheez It Extra Cheesy

I had this one right after the “extra toasty” one so it was like drinking water after walking in a desert for a full day. That being said, this was pretty darn good. The cheese flavor was strong and tasted excellent and there was actually a light but good cheese smell.
It was the first time we actually finished the plate quickly and had a bit more. If you’re going to buy a Cheez It, this would be a go to.
Score: 7
2. Cheez It Zesty Cheddar Ranch

The crunch on this one was hardcore, I really enjoyed it. The cheddar ranch flavor is also incredible, my only gripe with this one is that they should have made it stronger. Not much else to say, I would highly recommend this one if you’re looking to buy a Cheez It.
Score: 7.5
1. Cheez It Hot & Spicy

This one hit it out of the park. The spicy flavor is incredible, and its literally just the right amount of spice so your nose doesn’t start running. The smell was nice and this one had a solid amount of flavor. I was incredibly surprised by how good this one was.
If all the other flavors were like this, I would become an instant Cheez It fan. You couldn’t really feel the cheese flavor in this one, but that was totally okay. This is hands down one of the best Cheez It flavors, if not the best.
Score: 8
While I was pretty disappointed overall, I was still really impressed with three of them. Part of the disappointment was caused by going through existing posts covering the best Cheez It flavors and the other part was seeing the reddit poll’s results.
I think the main problem I have with Cheez It in general is that the cracker itself, which is the essence, tastes really bad. So even with the ones I liked, if there wasn’t enough powder, I would run into that cracker taste and the experience would be ruined.
I don’t think I’m going to buy Cheez It again because to me, chips are a much better alternative for the same price and calorie intake.
Keywords: Best Cheez It Flavors