10 Best Pringles Flavors Ranked (2024)
If you thought that finding the best Pringles flavors was a hard task, you were correct! That is because they have over 20 different flavors.
Pringles has always been a favorite snack of mine and I was really excited to try so many different flavors. Something I really wanted to do as a kid.
Surprisingly, Kellogg’s owns both Pringles and Cheez-It (which I really disliked when I tried). Here’s hoping Pringles is still as good as I remember it.
Best Pringles Flavors Ranked
10. Pringles Buffalo Ranch Flavor

Very strong flavor, but unfortunately, it was a very weird flavor. It isn’t a great taste in my opinion. Maybe this is just how its supposed to taste, but it wasn’t that nice.
Score: 2
9. Pringles Ketchup Flavor

The flavor is pretty weak but it is nice and it is fairly accurate. However, pretty disappointing that the flavor was not strong, you needed a few chips to really taste the ketchup.
Score: 3.5
8. Pringles Pizza Flavor

Smells pretty nice, like a herbs smell. More specifically, like thyme.
The taste is not so great though. It’s like a weird combination between frozen pizza, pizza herbs and sauce. Funny enough, the flavor is strong, but I’m not sure I’d recommend this one.
Score: 4
7. Pringles Sour Cream & Onion Flavor

The flavor is WAY too weak. Even though the taste is fantastic, you have to eat like 6 or 7 chips to actually start feeling the taste.
Huge disappointment and at this point it seems to be a recurring theme with Pringles. They really need to increase the flavor strength.
The taste gets a 10 but the flavor strength is 0. Such a missed opportunity since the flavor makes it one of the best pringles flavors.
Score: 4
6. Pringles BBQ Flavor

The Barbecue flavor is pretty nice. The flavor strength though is quite weak compared to the scorching hot Barbecue version.
It really does ruin the experience when each chip doesn’t have enough flavor. Another missed opportunity.
Score: 4.5
5. Pringles Scorching Cheddar Flavor

The cheddar taste is pretty nice, but I find the spiciness takes over too quickly and gets rid of that nice cheddar flavor. I think this one is better off without the spiciness. You might like this if you enjoy spicy stuff.
This was noticeably spicier than the scorching Barbecue flavor. Also, the powder tends to go up your nose and makes for quite an uncomfortable coughing experience. Be careful!
Score: 5.5
4. Pringles Ranch Flavor

Nice flavor, but not strong enough. Its good overall. Nothing against it, but not much going for it.
Reminds me a bit of Doritos cool ranch, although I think Doritos cool ranch is MUCH better.
Score: 5.5
3. Pringles Salt & Vinegar Flavor

Good salt and vinegar smell that doesn’t kill you (I’m looking at you Miss Vickie’s Salt & Vinegar).
The salt and vinegar taste is really good, although a bit weak for me, but still pretty good. What is really good about this one, is that the vinegar is not overwhelming at all.
In a lot of other chips we’ve had, like Miss Vickie’s, the vinegar taste and smell was way too overwhelming and after a while started hurting your mouth and especially tongue.
Score: 6.5
2. Pringles Scorching BBQ Flavor

Nice Barbecue smell! A bit of paprika in there mixed with the signature smoky flavor that good Barbecue chips tend to have.
A bit on the spicier side, but very tolerable. The taste is good but nothing super about it, but the flavor strength is surprisingly very strong. This is a good option if you like Barbecue taste but enjoy spicy food.
Score: 7
1. Pringles Cheddar & Sour Cream Flavor

This tastes incredible, the flavor strength is moderate, which is very annoying, because the taste is REALLY good. If you are used to stronger flavors like Doritos then this can be pretty disappointing. That being said, the flavor is one of the best I’ve had and is one of the best Pringles flavors we’ve had.
Score: 8.5
Overall, Pringles is a solid brand and you really can’t go wrong with most of these flavors. My biggest gripe with Pringles is how lightly flavored a lot of their chips were.
I don’t know if this is done so people buy more or if they actually think this is enough flavor. The best Pringles flavors were the Cheddar and Sour Cream and the scorching BBQ.
I remember it tasting a lot stronger when I was younger though. Pringles, you need to UP YOUR FLAVOR STRENGTH GAME!
Keywords: Best Pringles Flavors